Our People

Our Space Holders 

We understand the importance of being there for someone, holding space for them, and supporting them wherever they are in their journey. At Holding Space we are committed to providing a safe and supportive space for all in the community. We uphold the values of love, compassion, and zero judgment in all our actions and words.

Peter Sanderson, Founder

Peter was a journalist at the BBC and a Creative Director at many sports federations before beginning his journey into shamanism. His vision quest through life took him to Australia and South America where he worked with the Four Winds as one of their teachers. A published author, poet and songwriter, Peter creates and holds space for people in all walks of life. Whether you are a seeker, discoverer, or looking for support and comfort in a hard time in life, Peter walks beside you. He offers love, wisdom, and unconditional support in all he does, and cares deeply for creating this community that can help and be of service to others.

Erin Lucero, Founder

Erin describes herself as a big ball of love wrapped up in planning and organizational skills.  She brings compassion, love and deep listening to the Holding Space Community.
A licensed architect, Erin spent more than 20 years creating spaces and buildings to improve people’s lives before she shifted into creating spaces of community and love through Holding Space. She’s a lifelong student of yoga, shamanism, and other spiritual modalities and feels they all share a universal message of connection.  Her passion is to help others feel that connection with themselves, each other, and the Earth. To find our spark within, so we can all shine out in love and light. 

Amy Bird
Astrologer, Reiki Master

Amy is an Evolutionary Astrologer, Painter and Reiki practitioner. She has been studying Evolutionary Astrology for over 20 years and practicing professionally for 12 years. She first became attuned to Reiki in 2007 and became a Reiki Master in 2013. Her calling in astrology and in Holding Space is to inspire and help others gain an understanding of their soul journey so that they can lead more fulfilling lives. She is committed to helping people realize their full potential as human beings and to recognize what might be holding them back from reaching this potential. 

Join Holding Space

Holding Space is a member based community of open hearts.  We hold space for you, to support you wherever you are on your journey by offering supportive circles and forums, as well as journeys, workshops and retreats to support you on your own voyage of love and self-discovery.  

Join Holding Space!

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